I was recently asked if I really believed in Astrology. Unfortunately, I was unable to answer the question at that moment. So, I continued to hear the question in my mind: “Do I really believe in the information I provide to my clients through their own Astrology charts and the energies of the planetary movements?”. I would have liked to answer this question, especially now that I have had more time to think about it. Here are my thoughts and beliefs about Astrology.
I believe it is important to start with the idea of energy and that everything in the Universe is energy. There is no question that energy had a role in creating our solar system. I believe that all things made of energy can influence what happens here on earth, including the Sun, Moon and all the planets. For example, we can all see and experience the effects of the Moon on our tides. I see this especially being a kayaker here in the Pacific Northwest on the Kitsap Peninsula. This is quite noticeably a powerful influence on happenings here on earth. So yes, I do believe that the movement of the planets has an effect on the energy in our lives. Again, remember that everything is energy, all the things around us, our thoughts and our words – Just ask quantum physics – it’s all energy - and it all interacts.
A breif overview of how Astrology works… At the moment you were born, the astrologer ran out of the hospital (or whatever structure you were born in - a house or barn?) and took a snapshot of the sky. click This snapshot is your unique Astrological Blueprint. Each planet was in a specific zodiac sign (constellation) at that moment. The planets describe individual energetic forces that influence different aspects of our lives. This all makes up the universal energies that were present when you were born. Getting to know your blueprint reveals both conscious and unconscious facets of the self - like your gifts and areas of opportunity for growth, your karma and your life purposes and life lessons. Most people only know about their Sun Sign. Astrologically, it describes the outer expression of our personality. All the other planets represent all the different aspects and energies of the self.
Using Astrology as a guide, I can help clients make sense of their lives and to see their potential to improve this life by finding purpose, connecting with their own energy and physical body and thoughts and words, and making a connection with their innate power and wisdom. There is so much wisdom in Astrology to be used as a tool for good. I never utilize Astrology for anything other than this – good – improving people’s lives for the good or betterment.
I have personally learned a lot about myself and my lifes’ potential through Astrology. My journey here on earth has been greatly enhanced from opening my mind up to all the possibilites and wisdom found in my Astrology blueprint and the daily movement of the planets.